Friday, 11 May 2012

Friday - Update: Fibroscan

In 2003 I had a double biopsy completed on my liver.  I found the procedure to be painful and invasive.  I said to myself at the time that I would not put my body through that again.  

Fairly recently here in Ontario, Canada a test called a Fibroscan was approved.  Basically, it works like an ultra sound.

*The following information is from a brochure offered to physicians and patients. I have been given permission to share this information. 

What is a fibroscan?

A fibroscan can help your doctor determine how scarred (fibrosed) your liver is.  It can be used in many different types of liver disease.  In some cases it can take the place of a liver biopsy.  Your doctor will explain to you why they think this is the best test for you.

The scan takes between 10 and 20 minutes, and is painless.  The device uses non-invasive ultrasound waves to assess the health of your liver, and there are no risks associated with this test.

Preparing for the scan

Nothing to eat for 2 hours prior to the test.

How much does the procedure cost?

The Fibroscan is approved by Health Canada, however is not covered by OHIP.  To cover the operating and maintenance of the machine, there is a charge for this test.  (Please contact the clinic performing the scan in your community for current fees.)

What happens when the test is done?

A liver specialist will analyze the data from your test and send the results to the doctor who sent you for the test.  Your doctor will discuss the results with you directly. 

How to get a Fibroscan?

Your doctor must complete the information on the back of the brochure and fax it to the Fibroscan Program.  You will be notified of an appointment time. 

I found the scan to be painless. The specialist was able to go over the results with me immediately.  

Personally, this was a favorable alternative to another biopsy. 

A special thank you to my specialist and his nurses for all the good work you do in caring for your patients.


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