Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Wednesdays - Meditation & Relaxation

How many of you have had a difficult time getting up in the morning when you were experiencing the flu; running a fever, your body aching, waves of nausea coming at you like a rough kayak ride on big open water? It's enough to zap the energy from the Ever Ready Bunny.

Early on during this process I decided there had to be another way of getting through this first hurdle of the morning. I went back to the basics of some meditation teachings.

Practicing meditation on a day to day basis when you do not have extreme challenges to deal with is a different experience.  This treatment has been a good reminder and teacher for me where this is concerned. Point is - we will all have challenging days and often this is the time you don't want to meditate - however, it is when we need it the most.

Instead of struggling with myself to get up in the wee hours of the morning to fix the 20 grams of fat breakfast - I simply remind myself of a time when my family didn't have food in the house to prepare. So, when I wake up I am grateful for the food and medicine that awaits me.  

When it comes time for my shower - after spending extended periods of time out on the land without any running water, or clean water for that matter, later in years I developed a great appreciation for the H2O running through the plumbing in my home. 

As a young girl on the farm, having a bath was a luxury because it took a great deal of preparation - hauling the water from the well, filling up the tub (an old slop trough), heating up the wood stove, heating up the water.  Emptying the trough was a whole other process that I never did master.


Today - being fully present with these gifts while I am preparing and experiencing them is meditation.  This makes me smile.  The symptoms take a back seat and that Ever Ready Bunny begins to march to a new rhythm.

On another note: 

Today is my graduation day.  At 51 years of age I went back to college. Through the help of a community of generous, patient, and encouraging individuals I was able to complete my 3 year goal just under 2 years.  A special thank you to all of you!  I couldn't have done it without your help. 

To all the graduates of 2012 - Congratulations!


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